Mammoth Ikon Base Pass Revised

Due to pressure from angry pitchfork mobs otherwise know as MVP/Cali4nia Pass members and Mammoth locals, the Ikon Base Pass announced on March 1 has been changed. The price is still $599 but instead of offering just five days of skiing at Mammoth, it will now offer unlimited skiing at Mammoth. Blackout days still apply…


Palm Springs Pride Weekend

Once again, staying at a fabulous house in Deep Wells Estates. Thursday November 2nd till Sunday November 5th. We have 10 spots reserved (double occupancy). Price is $300.00 per person for the entire weekend! (such a deal!) Please email me, Rhonda ASAP, as these spots will surely go fast!! Arriba will host a party Saturday…


More Summer Activities

The club is still busy during the summer with our social activities so keep a look-out for e-mails and eVites for our social events during the summer (you should have already received an e-mail regarding our trip to the Hollywood Bowl on July 29 and our trek out to Palm Springs pride in November). And…
